18 Jul 10


Caught Inception, late lunch at Oriole — beef cheek tagliatelle and a flat white for me. Headed to the Singapore Garden Festival and was disappointed that visitors couldn’t walk under canopies and alongside flowers, we could only go around exhibits trying to peek into the heart of it. Left and bought something I don’t need from Muji, like always. On our way out of the mall we figured the fireworks (NDP rehearsal) were gonna start anytime soon so we stuck around to catch it. Nice long bus ride home, we sat on a double decker so I spied on every house with a pool. Couldn’t sleep, watched some Letterman, still couldn’t sleep so I packed the work room, my section of it.

I don’t have photos of everything I mentioned, just some.

singapore garden festival

singapore garden festival

singapore garden festival

singapore garden festival

singapore garden festival

singapore garden festival


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8 Jul 10


want: to go explore more parks

wish: I lived in the forest [maybe as a mushroom]

wish: I didn’t have to spend extra money on daily contact lenses, monthlys give me red eyes now, I don’t know why.

want: my big toe, second and third toe to heal. they are bruised blue and black. I dislike painting my toe nails but they’re very ugly naked right now.

wish: I was a cat

want: my home to look like a cafe and have a pantry like a cafe but is a home?


wish: I had more discipline to finish my craft


If there’s anything I learnt about myself in the past year or two, is that I’ve become a lot more realistic, I like it simple, uncomplicated, edited, having patience helps and doing things at my own pace and ultimately getting things done is better than doing things at someone else’s pace and not getting things done. Do you share similar feelings too?

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