14 Dec 09

the saddest place on earth

A boxful of comforting goodness was sent my way from mimipong. Nothing beats opening my letterbox and see it stuffed to the brim.

the saddest place on earth

the saddest place on earth

the saddest place on earth

the saddest place on earth

the saddest place on earth

There’s Weep, the tear doll / A guide to coping with sorrow / A handbook featuring collaborations with 25 artists in Singapore, Hong Kong and Macau / A set of vivid and saturated photos-turned-postcards of Weep hanging around Singapore

I heart the idea of the note pad sewn onto Weep, where you can pen down what is making you sad and give it a hug or squeeze for some lovin’. It’s a role reversal to me, no one really addresses sorrow openly. I’m actually beginning to feel Weep is more than just a blue plushie…

Weep comes in two sizes, one big enough to hug and one small enough to hold. There’s also limited edition artist dolls like this one, and it comes with a hankie pouch.

the saddest place on earth
One for the photo album, Ada’s glad as hell she has a new company. What were the odds, blue and red? I took Ada along for a sleepover on Friday and she got called a ghost/Chucky the entire night!

Mimipong stocks at Strangelets, Rockstar and Cat Socrates.

I want to advocate buying handmade this Christmas but I’m having difficulty with it myself, I’ll admit. So if you have friends who are open to handmade (which can be rare outside this blogging community), buy handmade!

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