14 Feb 10

14 of feb

for me?

for me?

Ben & I went our separate ways for dinner tonight, both of us had dinner with our own families. By the way, it’s Chinese New Year here and tonight’s the night for reunion dinner. Just in case you’re wondering what’s up with the whole separate dinner with family thing. So anyway I came home to a sleeping giant and I decided to be kind and let him sleep. At about 2AM, I got hungry which is when I saw this box of cupcakes! Awww cupcakes for me! Geez, they’re so freaking pink tho. Awww he bought me cupcakes! Is it a lame attempt to be all Valentine’s Day. Awww awww! Imma gonna eat them anyway because I just have to. The internal struggle I have, over a box of cupcakes…

Well, I had two of them and immediately felt a heartburn coming on. But I really like the silver cups they’re sitting in tho.

So, happy new year to my fellow Chinese people and if you and your significant other celebrate Valentine’s Day, have a romantic day, learn something new about each other and kiss lots.

P.S. Some of you had real nice encouraging things to say in my last post. Thanks a big big bunch. Means much and I’m keeping your words close to my heart now.

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