8 Jun 10

Pictures on a screen scream

Monkeys! Monday, we spotted a family of monkeys (two males, one female and a little one) and followed them as they made their way into Telok Blangah Hill Park. It all happened so fast because these monkeys walk so quickly tho they stop every now and then to sorta, regroup and rest. I’ve had encounters with monkeys when I lived at my old house and the bus stop’s right beside the park so sometimes I’d see monkeys rummaging through the bin for food. But this was major-awesome because the monkeys were aware of us and would turn back to look at us and gave us eye contact – which scared me a little, honestly.





Bravo me, for not focusing on monkeyman





We gave in and stopped once the itch from all the mosquito bites became too much to bear. Also, HortPark‘s pretty cool. I really wanted to walk through Kent Ridge Park but it was getting too dark and creepy. Maybe this weekend.

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