14 Jun 09

Tag time!

I was tagged by the awesome Aya of Strawberry Koi, made me think hard for a bit.

1. What is your current obsession?
Growing my shoe collection, or rather trying to get the basics covered first so i can move on to buying fancy shoes.

Plain vintage cotton blouses and all the better if it has an ascot tie.

2. What is your weirdest obsession?
Toiletries i think, i love it when i try new brands. I love being in the pharmacy or supermarket and browsing for toiletries, has a calming effect on me altho i get stressed when i can’t decide which one to buy. And they aren’t even expensive things, i buy ordinary drugstore products but i get such a huge kick out of buying them, using them… having them around?

3. What do you see outside your window?
Many tiny people walking on the streets (i live on the 20th floor), lots of high-rise buildings… and on-going construction.

4. What is your favorite color?
To wear, would be navy blue. For furniture and items around the house… i’m seeing a lot of greens and reds, so those have to be my tops.

5. What is your weakness?
Little girl’s dresses even though i can’t fit into them. I’m attracted to very feminine clothing to be honest, even though i don’t dress the part but i like looking at them and imagining them on somebody else – usually a faceless girl with a lithe ballerina type body. How fairytale of me! I love this dress from Modcloth at the mo’.

6. What animal would you be?
Definitely a cat, my boyfriend and i have gone over this a zillion times now. Our cats sleep all day, it’s so unfair. But i want to be a funny cat though, not a prissy persian.

7. What would you like to learn how to do?
Ride a motorcycle! I might embark on it next year so i can fulfill my dream of owning a vespa and tooting around on it.

8. What do you want to never happen in life?
Death, that’s the one reality i don’t know how to deal with.

9. What is on your bedside table?
If i had one, my glasses, book, iphone and a lamp for sure.

10. What’s the last thing you bought?
A pair of leather Converse high tops , for my brother’s birthday gift

11. What do you think about the person who tagged you?
Aya‘s not real! She reminds me of a doll! I think she’s super super cool for a mom. Her life, her home, is all so intriguing to me. I also think she takes a lot of pride in how she presents herself especially after watching and reading her hair tutorials. She’s one of my modern vintage lady-heroines.

12. What was your favorite children’s book?
Hmm i’m pretty certain it’s Patty’s Last Dance, a Sweet Valley Twins book (i had to google, i kept thinking it’s Sweet Valley Junior for some reason)

13. Who do you want to meet in person?
I was gonna name a celebrity or a musician but they don’t really mean that much deep down. There are a few girls i’d love to meet that i’ve known through the interwebs for sure – Young, Diane, Diana, Anja, Haz, Eileen, Likkle Girl, Yishyene

14. What did you want to be as a child?
Ha! Pathologist, gymnast, national swimmer and a vet. Came close to none!

15. What did you dream about last night?
I actually didn’t dream last night which is unusual but not complaining.

16. Which do you prefer, day or night?
Night without a doubt. I like quiet and no light.

17. What’s your favorite piece of clothing in your closet?
My go-to dresses i guess, they never fail me. I’m the kind of person that doesn’t like to spend too much time dressing up so i like to throw it on, boom boom, let’s go.

18. What’s your plan for tomorrow?
Being a Monday… be working.

19. What is your must-have of the moment?
This A.P.C. Madras Romper

20. What’s your favorite tea flavor?
I can do either chai or green tea.

21. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
No prizes for guessing new york city!

So i’m tagging Sarah, Diane, Diana, Yishyene and Young! Just as Aya said; no pressure ladies.


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