22 Dec 09

Eating and making

First up, photos of the picnic are up on Sarah’s! I am gonna finish up my roll of film and share those later. Love the mix of people who joined us, Sandy, Yvonne, Arlia & her 15 year old sister, Nadia, Nurul and Dybs – You girls were champs despite the rain! And I have to thank my awesome friends for being so awesome and entertaining – Nabs, Sherms, Caili, Farah – you guys, love you guys because you’re worth it! Our worlds got smaller that day, Sarah & her friend, Charlotte, went to school with Nabs and Sherms and you’re confused, I’m confused but everyone’s happy!

So abruptly moving on, I’ve been eating and making and here are photos.

Eating and making
Stitching together little pockets for my origami

Eating and making

Eating and making

Eating and making

Eating and making

Eating and making
My gift wrapping improved ten-folds this year! Last year it was shiny paper and lots of mistakes. Btw, you have to check out Essimar’s gift wrapping ideas, I wouldn’t mind an empty box from her, just to get some gift wrapping goodness!

Eating and making

Eating and making
Finished product. One’s going to Belgium and the rest will be put up in my etsy store! Which is totally dusty and needs a revival.


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