7 Oct 08

wk40; the move

Thank you to the ones who shared some advice on how to make a house a home. I’m happy to say that we have settled in well. Everything is in place and a little cosy! We had our first guest yesterday and dang, we had no drinks in the fridge. So stocking up on Coke is on the list. If your tummy is a little hungry, be warned because there’s a whole bunch of food pictures coming right up (or should i say right down). I have been eating home alot, being home and wanting to be at home while i’m out as well. It is a phase right?

There’s one thing i’m iffy about and that is why isn’t cheese affordable here? Say a block of mozzarella or edam. Is there a cheese specialty shop here, where i can purchase any amount i want? I really want cheese on top of alot of my food so HELP (waves flag)!

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