20 May 09

Grilled Shrimp and Lemon Kebabs
There was two weeks of uninspired time in the kitchen for me but i think i shoo-ed it away now. I have trouble functioning well if i don’t find joy in doing it. I can’t just do it. There are some of you who are like that too right, where are you?
This recipe’s from realsimple and i switched up the sides a little – baked potato + broccoli instead.
| Tags: Real Simple recipes
11 Mar 09
I couldn’t stop trying out recipes last week. One of those weeks whereby nobody else’s food would do it for me. But i realised i’m not good with cooking chicken meat, twice it was undercooked and now i’ve got a tiny phobia of cooking it. And cooking altogether i suppose – i’ve done enough washing + cleaning and haha, smoking up the house!

| Tags: guiness stew, rachael ray, Real Simple recipes
24 Feb 09
Saturday — my boyfriend and i took a day trip to Batam. What seemed to be a fun-filled afternoon turned out to be really dreadful disappointing doom doom doom. The only time i dared to take out my camera was in the ferry thus i present ferry shots! The rest of the time i was pretty much frantic frightened frazzled.

These below were taken before leaving Batam, sunset sampan sea.Â

Sunday i cooked. I’m a Real Simple girl and in fact, they were real simple to whip up!

Shrimp with tomatoes and olives served with cous cous

Honey chicken with grilled-corn salad
This is the result of watching too much Top Chef, big itch to cook and my boyfriend would play Judge and spew culinary terms to make me giggle glee giggle.
| Tags: batam day trip, It's Been One Week, Real Simple recipes
20 Oct 08
Pretend it’s about an hour earlier and i would tell you i just got back from cycling to town. The ride was tricky, switching lanes from left to right and right to left. And then we cycled home after a pint of beer – not a brilliant idea at all! I completely rammed into something and the Caucasian man next to me was very kind to laugh it off and told me to be careful. I’m don’t usually get so floaty after a pint but i don’t know what caused it, i always get very thrilled when we go cycling so maybe. Maybe, the two highs clashed.
My cat says hello! Also i think i’ll be posting quite a bit next week, so look forward!

| Tags: caitlin shearer, cycling adventures, Real Simple recipes