26 Jul 10
Fatboy turns six today! I’ve been trying to get him to take a photobooth picture with me all day but nooo, he just won’t do it for me. And it’s almost nearing midnight, I’ve ran out of time. The older he gets, the more he refuses to let me photograph him. He will move right when I release the shutter, arggg! So well, these old polaroids will have to do.
I know it can be kinda gross when humans love their pets too much. But this cat of mine has been my companion through some of the toughest times.
| Tags: fatboy, handsomest, happy birthday fatboy, polaroid
23 Aug 08
Two of my most creative friends made this birthday edm or invite if you will, for tonight’s post-birthday dinner. I do love my burgers so burgers we had!
Polaroid taken at dinner – Sabrina (center), a writer and Caili’s an art director
The photos were taken by Caili, with her out-of-this-world Ricoh camera which explains why Sabrina and i are posing in most of them. Believe me, she took so many that we got tired of posing and cracked up a whole lot. Sorry the outfit pictures aren’t that sharp, it isn’t much, a dress that was altered too short thus the leggings, oxfords and a vintage purse.
Dress: secondhand
Shoes & purse: etsy
| Tags: birthday, caili, polaroid, ricoh, sabrina