25 Apr 09

It’s been me & my tomato for company this week! Finishing up some custom orders. My embroidery has gotten a lot better which made me happy but a lil looney. So after the last one is done, i’m gonna start drawing. I haven’t drawn in a very long while and it’s terrible because i used to love it so much. I remember a time when i was struggling and in between schools, i didn’t want to do anything but hide in my room and draw. And i went on to tell my dad i wanted to leave school (junior college) but didn’t know where to go from there. All i had was my drawings and me wanting to draw. So I ended up in design school.

I suck this week tho, with my two photos for show. We’ve finished the entire tub of rice my boyfriend’s mother gave us when we moved out on our own. It sounds funny doesn’t it but yeah she’s nice like that. I hardly cook with rice because doing chinese is so much harder for me. There’s always a million and one sauces needed in a recipe. The last time i attempted lemon chicken – it came out really nice but i smoked up the entire house from all the deep frying. So this is commemorating my boyfriend’s mother’s rice, it fed us for about six months!
| Tags: doily, It's Been One Week
20 Apr 09
It sure felt like love kept coming by way of my mailbox and i couldn’t be happier.

The silly postcard on the left from Young, she’s one of my favourite people to read in the world. The middle card is from my best friend! Tiny fonts are really one of my favourite things which i happen to get nagged at for a lot, work-wise, blind clients! And zee card on the right from Eileen, who is my favourite lady! Hands down, she dresses without a care in the world and i can only wish for half her style and wardrobe.
Eileen packed a whole lot of goodies into a little box as well and opening it was sheer joy i haven’t felt in awhile.

I didn’t take a better photo of the bag (the one with the giant happy green button) because i wanted a group shot so no one gets singled out and be shy. The bag reads “I like it online” which can’t get more real than that now can it? My favourite, sorry i have to play favourites guys, is the Marimekko serviettes! The first Marimekko i own now. I’ve worn the ring once and it makes me feel funky Eileen. Funky finger.
| Tags: It's Been One Week, marimekko
28 Mar 09
I haven’t been posting and probably won’t be for awhile more. Stuff happened and i know stuff happens so i’m trying to roll with it. Plus this blog is my happy place so i’m not going to rain on it. But tonight gave me reason to be a little happy because despite ordering everything i wouldn’t usually eat on the menu, the food turned out good. & in our attempt to find the Esplanade Park, we ended up listening to these lovely girls singing at the Waterfront. We didn’t manage to catch their band name, was anyone else there and knows who they are?

They sounded like angels. Stay safe now.
| Tags: It's Been One Week, the esplanade waterfront
24 Feb 09
Saturday — my boyfriend and i took a day trip to Batam. What seemed to be a fun-filled afternoon turned out to be really dreadful disappointing doom doom doom. The only time i dared to take out my camera was in the ferry thus i present ferry shots! The rest of the time i was pretty much frantic frightened frazzled.

These below were taken before leaving Batam, sunset sampan sea.Â

Sunday i cooked. I’m a Real Simple girl and in fact, they were real simple to whip up!

Shrimp with tomatoes and olives served with cous cous

Honey chicken with grilled-corn salad
This is the result of watching too much Top Chef, big itch to cook and my boyfriend would play Judge and spew culinary terms to make me giggle glee giggle.
| Tags: batam day trip, It's Been One Week, Real Simple recipes
28 Jan 09

I’m behind on so many things! This short Chinese New Year break turn me into a sloth. So i’m gonna get on with doing my laundry and the other billion things as well.
| Tags: chinese new year, It's Been One Week