24 Mar 08

Etsy Finds: Anything can be a clock!

Today’s Etsy find has left me stumped. I’m easily surprised but stumped, not often. Well IMOTIME from San Diego, is one amazing fella who makes a clock out of anything. Let’s go, i’m gonna stump you too.

First there’s the Scrabble clock,

and how about a take-out clock, i love take-out boxes

then ooo, a bag clock!

and i love this weighing maching clock cos it’s secretly a clock

how about a vintage radio clock

and a vintage rotary phone clock

so it might seem perfectly normal to have a tin of tea clock

aha! how about a clock on your toilet seat cover!

or on a connect four game

a viking helmet?

and lastly, my favourite one, Mr Potato Head

So this led to some Googling and seems like it’s relatively do-able to make my own clock out of anything and everything. One for the DIY books.

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