Zoot zoot zoo (part two)
Photos from the bird park are up next! I hope you guys don’t OD on animals.
Photos from the bird park are up next! I hope you guys don’t OD on animals.
My grandmother’s walker + little basket of neatly folded tissues
And this is my ahgong (grandfather), and part of me dad
Some super old and super cool ointments which my grandfather dug out from the storeroom (they still smelled like working ointment!)
This was taken during Chinese New Year which is why both the ladies are wearing their floral bests. I should wear something floral next year to join in the festivities huh, maybe I will. I see now that part of my dad is cut off in the photo and I can’t help but evil laugh because he said my face was getting chubbier right before I took out my camera so maybe…. just maybe I wanted to cut him out. Evil wicked heh heh heh.
Please help in any way you can!
So far, I’ve supported the causes initiated by Hilda Grahnat and hello sandwich (who lives in Tokyo!!) and also donated to Singapore Red Cross via ibanking. Just today, they’ve have updated their website with more channels to donate – ibanking via OCBC/DBS/UOB, phone banking, however you prefer to do your banking!
There are a million other ways you can donate and do your bit to help. I ART U is keeping an updated page on artists/designers that are donating their proceeds towards relief efforts. Emi is selling her books and magazines on Facebook to raise funds (for local peeps hey!). Let’s do what we can!
There was one week in December where I pretty much cooked every meal for lunch and dinner. These were some of the food I made and took photos of. You can go ahead and click on the photos to find out what it is and what recipe I followed.
About the long silence on the blog, it was a combination of being busy being stale being boring being everywhere else but here. But I think all those feelings are disappearing and I’m gonna be posting more frequently from now. Another thing is, I passed my motorcycle traffic police test and got my license about two weeks ago!! Yeahhhh but my vespa only comes in March. Which really sucks. But it’s what I’ve always wanted and what I’ll be riding for some years so I gotta deal with waiting for my motorbike in the colour I want.
Anyway I hope you like the new look for the blog too! Bigger and brighter.