6 Oct 13

After coffee walkabout

Hi from Istanbul! Ben’s still sleeping so I have some time to post something. The city has been so welcoming. It is GORGEOUS. People are at first look, not the friendliest but they surprise you two seconds later.

To share a story real quick – Yesterday we were waiting for the tram and I noticed this old man scanning the both of us. I take it that locals don’t see asians all that much. No biggie, the tram comes and we all board. He took his spot in a corner then gestured to us to stand beside him and to hold onto the pole. Followed by a smile! He let it sneak out haha. I was surprised! I thought to myself, “sheesh, to think I thought he was a grumpy baddie who hates tourists”. As the tram was pulling up at a stop, he tapped me on my finger to point out that there were two empty seats behind us. I wanted him to sit since it’s a bazillion years older but he insisted. You tell me, how nice these people are!

I’m Instagramming like crazy so follow my updates there. Meanwhile over here, I don’t want the blog to go stale so here are some recent photos. Ben & I had coffee at Strangers’ Reunion and roamed around the area for a bit. The houses are so nice. The kind that makes you can’t help but dream you were living inside. Followed by thoughts of who currently lives inside. Followed by impractical ideas of how to get one next time. Heh.





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